Data Transmission Control System (DTCS) is application software for Unisys
ClearPath and A-Series computers.
DTCS provides a dynamic interface for your computer operations to automate the transfer
of files between your computer system and remote computer sites. Transmission characteristics are based on pre-defined parameters and DTCS command lines.
DTCS takes advantage of data communications protocols supported by your communications
processors, enabling your host site to transfer files to/from remote computers with same data communications protocols.
DTCS uses your front-end processor more efficiently by employing adjustable threshold
limits to control queue sizes. The communications processor is used no more than necessary and maximum file-transfer throughput is still achieved.
'Delivery Confirmation' of the last block SENT in a transmission is audited by DTCS. As a result,
DTCS will always provide the operator, log and history entries with accurate finish messages, such as COMPLETED SUCCESSFULLY, TIMED-OUT, STOPPED etc. This gets rid of
the assumptions that transmissions were complete when they actually may have failed to complete or transmit properly.
DTCS provides a convenient way to automate routine transmissions in an unattended mode. It eliminates
the time-consuming manual handling of tapes, which lessens the load on the operations staff and decreases the chance that a critical transmission will be overlooked.
DTCS is efficient with 2780/3780 Bi-Synchronous and SNA communications.
DTCS is completely parameter-driven, and can be reconfigured to accommodate a
change in the computing environment without the down-time of a re-compile & test cycle.
DTCS does more than just transfer files. It maintains a history of what it does, on
disk and/or hard copy. It can function as a RJE station for your IBM remote sites for both transmitting and receiving. It even sends
IBM sites the JCL data, prior to file transmissions and after file transmissions. DTCS does not care who initiates the transmission.
Security is dealt with by permitting the host and remote site users to agree on KEY sets within
the first block of data to identify the caller. When simulating an RJE type of transmission, then the //SIGNON can suffice providing an agreed upon password.
Programmers can take advantage of DTCS's built-in WFL code/parameters allowing
application programs to run immediately after receiving a good transmission, without operator attention.
DTCS can auto dial both synchronous dialing modems and asynchronous dialing
When a remote site initiates a transmission, then DTCS will auto answer,
locate the proper file description and create file(s) based on pre-defined parameters -- all without operator intervention. Then DTCS checks for duplicate
transmissions or transmission failure, identifying them for operator attention.
DTCS transmission requests may be queued while other transmissions are in progress. When initiated
from a WFL a hunt for an available datacomm line occurs for the transmission. Auto-dial is available for most 208A and V.32/34 modems.
Transmission event values are returned when a WFL controls the transmission(s), returning values that define a Success
or Fail. The WFL's can then determine to restart the transmission(s) or bypass until later.
Duplicate Receive transmissions can cause an alert for the systems operator and high-lighted in history.
A same SEND transmission can not be re-sent without an override request.
DTCS provides for concurrent copies of SEND and RECV transmissions.
Converts UNISYS print files to IBM print files (RJE or
ANSI standard) before sending.
Converts the two types of transmitted IBM print files to UNISYS print files
after receiving.
Variable or fixed data block sizes can be transmitted within a file.
Supports transparent or non-transparent mode communication (Transparent: the ability to send any type of character
set in a block of data).
Handles standard and non-standard ACH formats for communications with remote sites.
Has built-in //SIGNON and //SIGNOFF capabilities for remote sending and receiving.
Computes tailored proof totals and record counts during transmissions. Total result figures are retained
for each transmission and can be viewed on a DTCS "Total" screen.
Maintains its own video forms so you do not have to make any display terminal FORM updates to your current
Automatic controls for purging station queues, enabling stations and disconnecting dialed communication lines.
Multiple files can be received and appended to become one file at your computer center.
In a single RECV transmission, multiple output files may be created....with options for creating serial numbers as
part of the output file name.
Transmissions may be discontinued and restarted.
Operators may inquire into the system, at any time, to get a status and count of the number of records being transmitted.
Operators may initiate commands from: System Console, work station, user's WFL program and from within
DTCS itself.
Command results may optionally be sent to the system console and/or hard copy printer station log.
Complete history is maintained of all transmission activity and can be viewed on screen in date-time order, with most
current first. The history entries include all file transmission events, transmission event exceptions and user command names.
Physical files, previously sent or received, can be dynamically aged by DTCS and removed in a pre-defined
number of days.
Based on a single command, physical data files that have been transmitted and received, may be automatically aged
and removed from disk/disk pack after a pre-defined number of days. This a nice tool for operations.
Complete facilities allow for both SEND and RECV unattended transmissions.
Unrecognized transmissions may optionally be received and accepted from designated stations and assigned to an internal
Supports compression and expansion schemes for fast SEND and RECV transmissions.
With a single DTCS command, DTCS will archive all your physical files and its own parameter file to tape, under a
pre-defined name that can be modified by the current mmddyyyyy, i.e.., DT1_yyyymmdd could become a tape label of : "DT1_20161104".
DTCS is a ' well-behaved' application: it is careful not to cause contention with other stations
and host programs requiring quick response time.